Questionnaire on the position and needs of companies using MARINE BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES in respect to the new legal framework on ACCESS and BENEFIT SHARING
1.- Information on Company
The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) is a European Research Infrastructure dedicated to providing services for fundamental and applied marine biology and ecology research.
This questionnaire is to be used within the EMBRC-biobank project, in order to obtain information in relation to the needs of companies in the framework of the recent regulations on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS - Nagoya protocol), and to identify use-cases that the EMBRC as marine biological resource provider, could be testing to help such companies. The information obtained will serve as the basis for the workshop “Practical steps for facilitating the use of marine biological resources for commercial R&D in the context of new Access & Benefit Sharing legal framework” that will take place in the Headquarters of Pole-Mer Bretagne in Brest (France) on the 16th of May 2018.
The questionnaire results will only be used by the EBB project and will be shared with the project partners but will not be made available to any third parties. The results will be anonymised when reporting. We will use your contact information to provide further project information to you, if you opt in to this in the last question.
It will not take you more than 10 minutes to fill in the questionnaire.
*1. Name of Company
*2. Address
*3. Contact information
*4. e-mail address
*5. Web page
6. Business field of your company no es responsable de ningún contenido enviado y/o incluido en esta encuesta/examen.

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