Satisfaction survey of Mobility
As you are visitor in the Psychology Faculty and as you have taken part in a student mobility program, we would like to know about your experience. On that basis, we would appreciate if you could give your opinion through this anonymous questionnaire. Indeed, your answers to this questionnaire would help us on increasing the quality of the service we give to students from the Faculty Deanship for International Relations.
1. Indicate the academic year in which mobility has made
2. Program in which you've participated
3. Length of stay
How to answer from question number 4:

Mark the selected number between 1 and 6:

1 means: • Very small • Slightly • Unpleasant • Inappropriate

6 means: • Very big • Very much • Pleasant • Appropriate
4. The information (subjects which can be done, arrangements
that have to be done before entering, language courses, accommodation,
etc.) given from the Deanship for International
Relations in this faculty about the process of entering the
centre, has been:
5. In regard to the arrangements which have to be done
before entering this faculty, the treatment and attention
received from the Deanship for International Relations has
6. Once arrived to this faculty, the information received on
how to make the arrangements necessary to formalize
the sojourn, has been:
7. During the time I have been in this Faculty, the information
and assistance given from the Deanship for International
Relations on how to make different proceedings
(changes in Academic Agreements, changes in registration,
qualifications…) has been:
8. In my opinion, the coordination and collaboration between
my source faculty and this target educational centre
has been:
9. From an academic point of view my experience in this
faculty has been:
10. Regarding to my life experience, my time in this faculty
has been:
11. Once my time in this faculty has finished, the Deanship
for International Relations has provided me with the information
necessary about the arrangements that still have
to be done (qualifications, documents for SENECA grant,
12. Please write down here other comments or opinion about the functioning of mobility for students in this faculty:
Thanks for answering no es responsable de ningún contenido enviado y/o incluido en esta encuesta/examen.

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