Questionnaire about the current state of Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Europe
1.- Thankyou for participating in the questionnaire for the first edition of the European Corresponsables Yearbook!!
The information collected in this questionnaire will be used to create reports that will appear in the first European edition of the Corresponsables Yearbook.

The questionnaire allows you to give detailed opinions. You can answer all of the questions or only those that you consider appropriate. It won´t take more than 10 minutes. The questionnaire includes some questions that will help us to understand and recognise the advances in CSR in your organisation.

To express our gratitude for your participation, you will receive a free copy of the Yearbook, as well as a digital version of the one of the Yearbooks from Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina or Chile.

Some of your opinions will be included in the report. For this reason, it´s important that you identify yourself in the first question and send a photo of yourself to Please indicate in your email that you have completed the questionnaire. If you prefer, you can also respond anonymously.

You can find all the information about the Yearbook and Corresponsables at

Thank you very much for your participation.

Best regards,

Denice Poll
Director of Communication at Corresponsables no es responsable de ningún contenido enviado y/o incluido en esta encuesta/examen.

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